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Information for club members

Here is all the information you need to help you get the most out of our club.
Those members who do not have access to the internet, will be contacted directly by a member of the Committee and this information provided to them. 

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  • Mounting images advice
    Picture mounting guidelines Your prints will be handled several times and packed with other entries, so unless they are mounted securely and neatly, there is a risk of damage to your own or others' images. Always back your print with card sized 50cm x 40cm. [Please note: Imperial measurements – e.g. 20” x 16” are not equivalent] Secure the card to the back of the mount using picture framing tape or 'magic tape' or similar Avoid ordinary masking tape, as this will almost certainly come loose and potentially stick to other pictures Do not leave any loose or rough edges as these can snag on other pictures. ​ Prints must have your membership number and title on the reverse (unless otherwise instructed). ​ The club will provide workshops if required to help members mount their prints correctly. Send us a message if you need help. ​ How to prepare digital images ​ Digital images and digital copies of print images are entered via the PhotoEntry website. Images for competitions via PhotoEntry must be jpgs and will be re-sized to a maximum of 1600px width x 1200px height if not already within these dimensions. It is recommended to size entries correctly before uploading them. ​ Guidelines for creating a panel of images ​ Images within a panel must work together as a set, they can tell a story, be images of the same item taken in different seasons, or a person in different outfits or in varying locations. The images have to have a relationship in some way to each other. ​ A lot of Panels tell a story. This is best described as where one image could not tell the whole story. Panels may also show different aspects of a subject – e.g. a car. You may show it in pristine condition as per the selling brochures, but then show some details, such as the badge, lights etc. You may opt to show it at night, or moving, the options are only limited by your imagination. You will find it best to have an idea for a panel and roughly sketch out how you will see it together. You can then set about getting the images you require. Post processing can help in balancing things like exposure and cropping etc. ​ Many things need to be considered when working on a panel; these are just food for thought; ​ Relationship and balance of the images. Do they work together? Diagonals work better pointing into the centre of the panel. Portraits work better facing into the panel. Is the exposure similar across all the images (or massively different of course?) Are they all printed on the same paper? Has the post processing ‘style’ or ‘plug-in’ been applied to all the images? Are they all mounted in the same format (borders/mount colour/window/flush etc)? Try vignetting the very outside corners of each image (e.g. the top right corner on the top right image, bottom left corner of the bottom left image etc). (Print panels only.) Don’t have images that are too similar. Landscape and Portrait formats can be mixed but the Panel needs to be balanced. The use of leading lines, diagonals etc is to keep the interest within the panel and to prevent the viewer’s eye wandering off at a tangent. Consider flipping/rotating images during processing to get angles/faces pointing the right way. Use all the tools you know to help achieve impact and balance. Keep images the same size if possible; it’s easier to view in this way. If one image is ‘different’, it’s normal to put it in the centre of your panel. There may well be a weak image in a panel, it’s almost unavoidable. Whereas you can be very creative in how your print panels are presented, a digital panel is sequential – one image shown after another one. The rules of inward facing portraits should normally apply in digital panels, but the order of the images is crucial. And finally, remember these are just guidelines, not rules, and are meant to be broken if the panel looks better. For digital panels, see section 8.3 in the club’s competition guidelines >> Here is an example of a title image:
  • Skill sharing
    From time to time the members ask the club if it is possible to provide learning, or activity groups, events or training. Answering requests need not be time consuming to deliver and may consist of just a few minutes of your time, or they could be a complete presentation or workshop - or anythng inbetween. Ideas for skill-sharing could be: Instruction and help with street photography, wildlife. macro or landscape or any particular genre Camera help, e.g. using flash or long exposures Help with portraiture Taking photos with your phone If you have a request or need, or can offer your skills then pleae get in touch. From time to time, the club is asked it it can provide images for a particular project or to become involved in external projects or requests for help. This information will usually be shared in the newsletter and via the club's private facebook group.
  • The Committee
    The committee is there to help organise and run the club for its' members and consists of: Marc Dunlop (Chair) Pete Forster (Secretary) Martyn Stead (Treasurer) Nigel West Ken Holland Tony Wilson Naomi Stolow (Webmaster) Feel free to contact the relevant committee member if you have any questions via our contact us page.
  • Club constitution
    The club constitution >>
  • How we protect member's data
    Dawlish & Teignmouth Camera Club, henceforth referred to as ‘the club’, complies with the General Data Protection Regulations. This policy states how it collects, handles and stores personal data in the following areas: ​ Communication How members are informed about how their data is used Consent How members consent to the collection and use of data Data Retention The time data is kept Data Transfer How the club informs members if their data is to be transferred Access Requests Access requests and/or complaints by club members. Data breaches How data is held securely In preparing this policy the following documents have been consulted: The Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Advice for Clubs, Federations and the PAGB – Data Protection The Information Commissioner’s Office website ​ 1. Definitions a. Activities are meetings, events, visits, outings or anything else that is organised by the club b. Club Membership Form is the membership form completed by current Members annually and by new Members when they join, and which includes important information about this policy c. The Committee is the Committee of the club comprising the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Programme Secretary, Competition Secretaries, Social Secretary, Publicity Officer and other club members who may be serving in an elected or acting capacity and others co-opted from time to time. d. Data means personal information collected by the club and covered by this policy e. Members are the paid or honorary members of the club including Officers f. Officers comprise elected and/or acting Committee Members g. The Club is the Dawlish and Teignmouth Camera Club h. Suppliers include visiting lecturers, judges and visitors i. Visitors are individuals who attend the club meetings, are who enquire about membership but are not members
 2. About This Policy a. This Data Privacy Policy ensures that the Club: i. Complies with data protection law and follows good practice ii. Protects the rights of members iii. Is open about how it stores and processes members’ data iv. Protects itself from the risks of a data breach v. The Club reserves the right to amend this Data Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice and will inform members of the changes at the time of their implementation. vi. The club will always comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when dealing with members personal data. vii. For the purposes of the GDPR, the Club will be the “controller” of all Member personal data held by the Club. viii. The Club collects, uses and stores members’ personal data, as described in this Data Privacy Policy and as described when the data was collected from each member. ​ 3. Collection Use and Storage of Personal Data a. Purpose of Data Collection Type of information: Member’s name, address, telephone numbers, email address and social media contact information Purpose Managing the member’s club membership including arranging activities and giving information about events (The Newsletter) Legal Basis Performing the Club’s obligations to its members for the purposes of the legitimate interest in operating the club ​ Type of information: Emergency contact details Purpose: Contacting next of kin in the event of an emergency Legal Basis: Protecting the member’s vital interests ​ Type of information: Members Photographic Distinctions Purpose: Recognising achievements, sharing expertise, promoting Photographic Distinctions within the Club Legal Basis: For the purpose of the Club’s legitimate interest in encouraging members to apply for photographic distinctions Type of information: Visitor Contact Details Purpose: Managing the recruitment of new members Legal Basis: For the purpose of the Club’s legitimate interest in operating the Club Type of information: Supplier Contact Details Purpose:Managing the club activities and payment of services Legal Basis: For the purpose of the Club’s legitimate interest in operating the Club ​ b. Third Party Access to Data i. The Club will never sell personal data ii. The Club will not share member data with third parties without the member’s individual prior consent except where required to do so by law. c. Retention of Members Data i. The Club will retain individual member’s data for as long as the individual is a member of the club and for as long afterwards as it is in the Club’s legitimate interest to do so. ii. The Club will review members’ data annually to establish whether it is entitled to process it. iii When the Club has decided that it is no longer entitled to process that data, it will retain the data in archived form to comply with future obligations e.g. confirmation of membership of PAGB Distinctions 4. Member Rights Members have rights under the GDPR i. To access their personal data ii. To be provided with information about how their personal data is processed iii. To have their personal data corrected iv.To have their personal data erased in certain circumstances v. To object to or restrict how their personal data is processed v1. To have their personal details transferred to themselves or to another entity in certain circumstances vii.To take their complaints about how the Club processes their data to the Information Commissioner: 5. Responsibilities a. Each officer and member who handles personal data has a responsibility to: i. Ensure that the data is handled and processed in line with this policy and data protection principles ii.Ensure that their own systems and equipment for storing data meet acceptable security standards iii. Perform periodic checks and scans to ensure that their own security software is functioning properly b. These people have specific areas of responsibility: i. The Committee: Responsible for the Club meeting its legal obligations ii. The Chairman: Responsible for ensuring that Officers understand and apply this policy iii. Competition Secretaries: Ensuring that the Club has the consent of members who have entered images to a Competition for their data to be held by the competition organiser (e.g. WCPF) iv. The Secretary is responsible for: 1. Keeping the Committee updated about data protection responsibilities, risks and issues 2. Arranging data protection advice for the people covered by this policy 3. Handling data protection questions from those covered by the policy 4. Responding to subject access requests (requests to see personal data) 5. Managing next of kin data 6. Subject Access Request a. Individuals who are the subject of personal data held by the club are entitled to i. Ask what information The Club holds about them and why ii. Ask how to gain access to it iii. Be informed how to keep it up to date iv. Be informed about how the Club is meeting its data protection obligations b. Subject Access Requests should be made by email addressed to the Secretary c. The Secretary will aim to provide the relevant data within 14 days 7. Providing Information a. The Club aims to ensure that individuals are aware that their data is being processed and that they understand how the data is being used and how to exercise their rights b. The Club’s privacy statement, which sets out how to meet these aims, is printed on the Club Membership Form 8. Consent a. The Club will obtain any necessary consent of its members to use the data and will describe the purpose for which it is collected by means of the Club Membership Form. b. Newsletters and other emails will only be distributed to members who have indicated that they wish to opt in to receive such communications from the club c. Members may opt in or out of receiving email communications ​ 9. Compliance The Club will review its compliance with this policy at least once per year, will document its findings and adopt remedial action if necessary. 10. Working Practice a. Guidelines 1. The only people able to access data should be those needing it to perform their club role ii. Members having possession of personal data should strive to keep all data secure. Data should: 1. Only be disclosed to authorised people 2. Be regularly reviewed and updated 3. Be deleted when no longer required 4. Should be deleted from membership lists held by individual committee members within one year of an individual member leaving the club 5. Archived by the Secretary to maintain a record of past members iii. Financial Records 1. Should be maintained by the Treasurer 2. Kept for a period of six years b. Data Storage i. Paper records - Should be kept in a secure place where unauthorised people cannot see it - Must not be left out in public view - Should be shredded and securely disposed of when no longer needed ii. Electronic Data 1. Must be protected from a. unauthorised access b. accidental deletion c. Malicious hacking 2. Memory sticks or other portable storage devices must be kept securely when not in use 3. Data should not be stored on mobile phones or tablets with the exception of contact information to be used on those devices c. Interclub Competitions Where the organiser of an interclub or external competition requires details of the photographer, beyond their name, then it is necessary to obtain the explicit consent of that member. d. Communications i. All emails must be sent using the ‘bcc method’ of email distribution ii. Circular emails may only be sent to members who have opted in to such communications e. Segregation of Data 1. Data acquired for the Club must not, under any circumstances, be used for the purposes of another organisation ii. Club data must not be used for domestic purposes f. Electronic Marketing i. Marketing information for goods and services must not be circulated by email ii. Members may offer their own equipment for sale via the Newsletter GDPR diigital agreement >>
  • Photography and the law
    A summaryThe Club provide Members with the opportunity to present their work: Galleries part of the website, Newsletter, Facebook, press releases and in other places. Whilst the club will try to assist you in keeping within the law with regards to photographs you submit (including the title of the photograph), it is ultimately the Members responsibility to ensure they keep within the Law. To try to assist you in this we have provided a (not an exhaustive) list of places on the web which may provide guidance in this regard. Blog: A summary of your rights as a photographer >>
  • Copyright information
    Each member is responsible for the copyright notices for their photographs / audio visual. To help you in your understanding of copyright, please see the following government document: UK Government document >> The club recommends that on publishing a digital version of your photograph / av (whether on this website or elsewhere) that it contains the copyright information you intend for the photograph which may include Creative Commons. Creative Commons description and options The condition of using our website is that the user acknowledges all photographs are the copyright of their owner, however copyrighting your photographs in the metadata will provide you with that extra protection if your photograph /av is accessed directly from a search engine. What does Creative Commons mean? Creative Commons licensing is a way of telling people that their photograph/software etc can be used by other people, but may have some conditions. This is spelled out in the "CC" description. For example, most of the photographer's photos have as in the copyright section of the metadata "CC BY 4.0 Photographer's Name". "CC" is Creative Commons. The "BY" means that anyone can use the pictures but need give me credit for the picture. The version of the license underwhich the license is granted is version "4.0". See here to be exact - More information on CC If you need help, please contact the club here >>
  • Membership fees
    The annual fee for the 2023/2024 season are soon to be announced. Please get in touch if you cannot afford the fees as we would like to help via our Hardship Fund. This will be kept strictly confidential. ​ Methods of Payment ​ 1. By bank transfer from your account using your name and membership number (if knows) as the reference. ​ 2. By sending a cheque to the Club Treasurer.
  • Quick links
    Once-only forms for new members to complete: Agreement to PhotoEntry GDPR diigital agreement External links: PhotoEntry sign-in page

Thinking of joining?

If you are thinking of joining the club, the information you need is on our thinking of joining page.

Any suggestions? 

Suggestions are always welcome. If you are unable to speak with a committee member please get in touch with your ideas.  Contact us >>

Latest news

Club members all receive a weekly newsletter by email. You are welcome to join us over on Facebook

Club history

Find out how our club started and its history >>


7:20 pm (7:30 start) to 9:45 pm (ish)

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Holcombe Village Hall, EX7 0LF

We are opposite the Castle Inn on the junction of Holcombe Road and Fordens Lane, which is about half way between Dawlish and Teignmouth just off the A379. 

Tel: 07592 951372
Contact page here >> 

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All images are subject to © Copyright. Please contact us if you have any questions and we wil be happy to help.
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